promotional video created for arc7
My goal for this promotional video was to capture a feel for something fresh, while maintaining a fitness meets technology theme. I wanted to invoke a sense of excitement for potential users looking to crush their health goals with the help of this application.
I used After Effects to edit various stock footage, animations, graphics, sounds and create effects.
I used After Effects to edit various stock footage, animations, graphics, sounds and create effects.

For the intro I wanted to start off by introducing a glitch effect that I will use throughout the video. I created multiple text layer effects using set channels. then using an adjustment layer I added a displament map and animated a horizontal displacement above a glitch effect footage.

Infographics were important to present in this video in order to represent what Arc7 can showcase for users. In this first image I used a key light effect and motion tracker on the phone footage to be able to display an animation on the phone.
The second shot was done by using a combination of imported images and after effects graphics to be able to resemble real time water intake progression within the app.
arc7 video ads
In-app features were used as video campaign focuses. For Arc7, macro nutrients, calorie tracking, and barcode scanning were some of the highlighted features throughout various ads.
Different demographics were targeted for campaigns. Here are two male and female target audience videos
arc7 image ads